Memorial Medical Center – Lufkin Recognizes Therapists During National Rehabilitation Week

Whether it is regaining mobility, learning how to speak or doing something as small as brushing their hair or teeth, therapists play an important role in a patient’s road to recovery following an injury or debilitating illness. In September, Memorial Medical Center-Lufkin recognized members of its rehabilitation services team including, (front row l to r) Leah Martin, David Reyna, Miguel Cruz, Elisa Harris, Desiree Flores, Krista Long, (second row l to r) Janet Knox, Brenna Kerns, Lillie Garner, Amy Moorhead, Sheila Davila, Director of Rehabilitation Services, Doug Edwards, Pam West, Jessica Conn, Sandy Kraemer, Shauna Gibson, (third row l to r) Shana Smith, Daniel Torres, Shyla Tiu, Kathy Beck, Charlotte Huffstetler, Julie Christensen, Aaron Davis, Lance Hebert, Angela Trial, Joanna Serafica, Perlita Tarongoy, Kim Jones, Dean Seiser, Dana Phillips, Loretta Hancock, and Les Leach, VP of Post Acute Services (not pictured: Leo Dominguez, Jodi Jordan, Ashley Poole, Cheryl Ellisor, Lindsay Fry, Collette Pickard, Kevin Benton, Ram Seshadrinathan and Earl Dimandaal), for the work they do in helping patients who have suffered a disabling event take back control of their life and body.
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Monday, October 07, 2013Find a Doctor
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