Nearly 30 Memorial Medical Center-Livingston employees recognized for multiple years of service

Memorial Medical Center-Livingston recently recognized its employees with multiple years of service Thursday, May 10 at the Employee Service Awards Banquet. The annual event honors employees with five to 40 years of service, as well as any retirees from the past year. Nearly 30 employees were recognized Thursday night.
Cutline: 5 Years Awards from left to right: (front) Karen Sylestine, Patient Care Services; Mandi Stockton, Imaging Services; and Yvonne Flores, Patient Care Services. (Middle) Anna Huggins, Patient Care Services; Glaishan Peters, Surgical Services; Cynthia Davis, Patient Care Services; Amber Davis, Patient Care Services; Laura Gustafson, Patient Care Services; and Deanna Thompson, Patient Care Services. (Back) Judy Leblanc, Patient Care Services; Kathleen Riley, Cardiopulmonary Services; Paula Hardin, Patient Care Services; Brittany Puckett, Laboratory Services; and Peggy Stapleton, Administrative Services. Not pictured: Kendra Harden-Norman, Laboratory Services; Donna Votaw, Patient Access Services; Natisha Warren, Surgical Services; Erica Escamilla, Cardiopulmonary Services; JoAnn Moore, Patient Care Services; Leona Wiggins, Patient Care Support Services; Jill Oates, Patient Care Services; Victor Cruz, Materials Management Services; and Terri Purvis, Patient Care Services.
Cutline: Pura Peralta, Laboratory Services (left) and Kenyatta Carter, Patient Care Services (right) received their 10-year service awards.
Cutline: Sheryl Grimes, Patient Access Services, received her 15-year service award. Not pictured is Susan Musgrave, Patient Care Services.
Cutline: Kathy Williams, Patient Access Services, received her 20-year service award.
Cutline: Georgia Criswell, Environmental Services, received her 30-year service award.
Publish date:
Monday, May 21, 2012Find a Doctor
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