Volunteer Auxiliary Donates Toys to Family Crisis Center
The Memorial Medical Center-Lufkin Volunteer Auxiliary helped make Christmas a little brighter for the children of East Texas. The Volunteers participated in a toy drive and successfully collected 50 toys that were donated to the Janelle Grum Family Crisis Center of East Texas.
“We did this last year when we learned of the Crisis Center’s mission and what was needed at that time of year,” said Volunteer President Gloria Gregory. “We hope to partner every year with such a worthwhile organization.”
The Janelle Grum Family Crisis Center of East Texas (Women’s Shelter of East Texas, Inc.) is a nonprofit organization incorporated to enhance the safety of women, children and men by providing crisis intervention and advocacy services to reduce and prevent the occurrence of family violence and sexual assault through education and community awareness. All services are confidential and offered free of charge.
The Lufkin Auxiliary has nearly 70 members who are committed to supporting Memorial and its patients. Money raised through scrub and

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Tuesday, January 08, 2013Find a Doctor
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