Getting Groceries (Without Getting Anything Else)
This blog was posted on March 21st. Because the situation surrounding COVID-19 is constantly evolving, some information may not be up to date. Stay informed by visiting the CDC website.
If you’re going to cook at home while practicing social distancing, you’ll need food to cook with. Fortunately, many Texas grocery stores have announced they plan on remaining stocked, eliminating the need for stockpiling. When you go to the store, take only what you need, and consider taking these precautions.
Wipe down your cart. It’s better to play it safe than sorry knowing the number of people who have touched a shopping cart. Use the store’s provided wipes or bring your own to ensure you are not spreading any germs.
Cover your coughs and sneezes. If you feel one coming on, take a step away and be sure to cover your mouth to avoid putting anyone else at risk.
Thoroughly wash your produce. While this is always a good thing to do, now it is especially helpful. Most produce is stocked by hand, and most people examine their veggies before adding them to the cart. Here’s a tip to make sure your fruits and vegetables are thoroughly clean: fill a sink or bowl with water, add 1 cup vinegar, and let your produce soak for 10 minutes before eating.
Try grocery delivery or pickup. Many stores offer these services, which can go a long way to limit the number of people you are in contact with. Particularly if you are elderly or have chronic health conditions, this option may be the best way to ensure you are not exposed to coronavirus.
Remember, everyone who is delivering or working in a grocery store right now is helping our community maintain the resources we need. A tip or smile goes a long way to make someone feel their work is worth it!
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